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Description: 非常著名的P2P计算项目的源代码。对于研究P2P的拓扑构造、DHT算法等有着巨大的帮助-most famous peer-to-peer computing project's source code. For research P2P topology structure, DHT algorithm has a tremendous help
Platform: | Size: 82944 | Author: steven | Hits:


Description: java 实现的P2P Chord算法。chord算法是结构式的P2P搜索与管理协议,比非结构式算法简单高效,比较适合实时多媒体传输的系统结构。-java achieve P2P Chord algorithm. Chord algorithm is structured P2P search and management agreement than non-structured algorithm is simple and efficient, more suitable for real-time multimedia transmission systems architecture.
Platform: | Size: 212992 | Author: raosiyong | Hits:


Description: p2p的DHT的实现,如chord CAN-the p2p DHT example, the chord CAN etc.
Platform: | Size: 71680 | Author: anda | Hits:


Description: MIT最新的chord源码 chord算法是结构式的P2P搜索与管理协议,相比比非结构式算法简单高效。-MIT latest source chord is the chord algorithm for structured P2P search and management agreements, compared with non-structured than the simple and efficient algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 608256 | Author: 陈曦 | Hits:


Description: DHT经典代码,学习P2P编程的必须阅读的代码-DHT classical code, learn P2P programming code must read
Platform: | Size: 746496 | Author: 刘马飞 | Hits:


Description: 使用JAVA研究P2P方面的,有关于chord协议的.站长加我吧!谢了-JAVA research aspects of the use of P2P, and there is agreement on the chord. Station plus me! Thanks
Platform: | Size: 3247104 | Author: hua guo | Hits:


Description: 有关JAVA的程序,研究P2P的chord协议,相信大家会喜欢的!-JAVA-related procedures, the P2P research chord agreement, I believe we would all like!
Platform: | Size: 563200 | Author: hua guo | Hits:


Description: p2p的结构化模型chord源代码,研究p2p模拟的参考资料。-p2p model chord structure of the source code, research p2p analog reference.
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: 李波 | Hits:


Description: p2p结构化经典算法,用C语言实现,应用于分布式存储,流媒体点播等多种途径-p2p structured classical algorithm, using C language, used in distributed storage, on-demand streaming media, such as a variety of ways
Platform: | Size: 82944 | Author: liufendou | Hits:

[Program docchord

Description: chord算法 P2P资源定位算法 利用哈希函数的分布式散列-chord algorithm for P2P resource location algorithm using distributed hash function hash
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: yyn928 | Hits:


Description: 该源码是结构化p2p的经典模型的代码,也是当前理论仿真研究和实际应用最多的代码,很有用的-The source is the structure of the classical model of p2p code, but also in theoretical research and practical application of simulation up to the code, very useful
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: liufeng | Hits:


Description: 该协议是在原chord的基础上增加了finger表以加速路由定位,是chord的增强,也是经典的p2p协议。-The agreement is based on the original chord increased to speed up the routing table finger positioning is enhanced chord is also the classic p2p protocol.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: liufeng | Hits:


Description: VC简单P2P点对点视频共享,点对点播放-VC simple P2P peer-to-peer video sharing,
Platform: | Size: 82944 | Author: zsw1 | Hits:


Description: P2P架构文档。对学习P2P整体有直观的把握。-P2P architecture document. For learning has an intuitive grasp of P2P as a whole.
Platform: | Size: 317440 | Author: terry | Hits:

[Program docChord_P2P

Description: 这是一篇经典的介绍chord的结构化P2P网络的文档。-This is a classic introduction to the structure of chord-based P2P network documentation.
Platform: | Size: 149504 | Author: huiyu | Hits:

[source in ebookChord

Description: this about a famous P2P network source code, and it is implemented by java-this is about a famous P2P network source code, and it is implemented by java
Platform: | Size: 362496 | Author: xiaolong | Hits:


Description: MIT的chord源码,经典p2p,学习人员的必备-MIT' s chord source, classic p2p, learning essential personnel
Platform: | Size: 785408 | Author: wang | Hits:


Description: 实现的是P2P文件共享系统,是通过基于Chord原理实现的DHT网络,分享本地计算机上的文件,或下载其他计算机共享的文件。本文件系统的特点在于并不仅仅是个简单的文件传输系统,而是真正的实现文件的共享-Realize that P2P file sharing system, is achieved through the principle of Chord-based DHT network, sharing files on the local computer, or download other computers to share files. The file system is characterized not just a simple file transfer system, but the real implementation file sharing
Platform: | Size: 776192 | Author: liu | Hits:


Description: 基于p2p的chord的算法介绍与实现 在才环境下运行-The chord-based p2p introduction and implementation of the algorithm was run under the
Platform: | Size: 90112 | Author: fanhao | Hits:


Description: p2p网络中对chord模拟 单机模拟N个节点 自己毕设中修改过的代码-p2p chord simulation
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: 张博 | Hits:
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